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My Holiday

Hello everyone!
I'm Dyandra and I wanna share some moments of my holiday.

So, in the end of first semester, I got the week for rest from school, so I decided to went to Purworejo for attending my cousin's wedding. But in Purworejo, me and my family got some time for holiday, too. I also went to Kebumen.

I went from Bandung, exactly from Kiaracondong station at 10 p.m. I went to Purworejo withg my big family, but my mom and my dad not come to Purwerejo because they had many works in they office. I enjoyed the journey to Purworejo in 7 hours 18 minutes. On the way, the train stopped in  13 station for break. As long as the way, in the outside of the train, I cannot saw eveything, because it was very dark. And my brother which sat beside me, slept along the way because he got sick. His body not feeling well at that time. And I decided for slept too. I and my big family arrived in Kutoarjo station at 6.18 a.m. We picked up by our family in Purworejo. From Kutoarjo station to Purworejo spend time about 1 hour.

On first day in Purworejo, I got the time for rest. But, I decided to paled the bicycle with my cousin for 2 hours, after that we got time for lunch, and I had lunch with my family after I took a bath. We had so much fun time in first day, because it was the time we met after a long time. We share about our personal stories, told about Bandung and Purworejo, and made some jokes that made us laughing loudly. In 7 p.m, we had dinner with family from Purworejo, and after that, I went to slept.

On second day, I attended my cousin's wedding. The wedding was held in her house. I woke up at 6 a.m and went to took a bath after my brother. Me and my brother wore the clothes which had the same motives, because that clothes was the family dresscode. In the event, I sang a song because the bride asked me to sang on her wedding. The event finished at 2 a.m and the guest began left the house. I decided to changed my clothes because it was very hot. After the event finished, we got time for rest. After shalat Maghrib, I go to Alun-Alun Purworejo with my brother and my cousins, and in Masjid Agung I saw the biggest bedug in Southeast Asia. I also saw a big gong, the name is Gong Perdamaian Nusantara. After that, we found the stand that sold a octopus, and we bought it.


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